Found a new tattoo (in Off-topic)

Sedecim January 6 2005 10:19 AM EST

How cool is this. While fiddling around with the meta-stats page I found a Tattoo of Mimic. Click on the link to see what it does.

Seems like an excellent tattoo for an enchanter or direct damage mage.


AngryZac January 6 2005 11:05 AM EST

I wonder how that would work when the tattoo changed minions? Would it just suddenly have a percentage of whatever that minion has? And when the tattoo raises levels I'm sure the precentage just goes up, but the odd thing about that tattoo is that it wouldn't be able to create the super strong one PR players like current tattoos can. It would be very great for a "spid" like character, but worthless (even if at high levels) for a character that has a very low PR. Interesting. Wonder why none have spawned though? Think it'll ever be implimented into the game? Also have to wonder if the percentage ever goes over 100?

Timberwolf January 6 2005 12:06 PM EST

Much like the Tattoo of Deception I found. : )

Chargerz-Back January 6 2005 12:15 PM EST

Base AC : 600?!?!?

Timberwolf January 6 2005 12:17 PM EST

Read the description a little closer for it Chargerz919.

Sedecim January 6 2005 12:34 PM EST

rofl :)

AngryZac January 6 2005 12:52 PM EST

<----Sorta confused, and probably looks like a fool...still thinking tattoo of Mimic would be pretty interesting item.

Kaioshin January 6 2005 1:12 PM EST

don't worry i did the same, but in the new players chatroom, thats why the ToD is there.

[P]Mitt January 12 2005 1:13 AM EST

And the Tattoo of Gods.

ANJAN January 16 2005 2:40 PM EST

the world is full of strange things.

mrlittleguy January 16 2005 4:27 PM EST

Who knew? Google Tattoo?

bartjan January 16 2005 4:52 PM EST

/me hands mrlittleguy a copy of Eats, Shoots & Leaves

mrlittleguy January 16 2005 4:54 PM EST

Lol... I can't believe I missed that... YOU'RE perception is much better than mine. =P

AdminLamuness January 16 2005 11:05 PM EST

Look at this new tattoo that was hidden away!

Tattoo of Assassin. ;) I know you all want it.

Bolfen January 16 2005 11:31 PM EST

Wow, I love this new Tattoo, thanks Jon!

Tattoo of Bolfen

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] January 16 2005 11:44 PM EST


We couldn't not have a Tattoo of Chuckles could we?

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