Battlestar Galactica: Cylons play CB? (in Off-topic)

Bolfen January 18 2005 7:53 PM EST

I'm watching my recording of Battlestar Galactica off the SciFi channel. In the first episode, the Cylons catch up to the fleet every 33 minutes. They chase, the humans run, then the clock resets.

Did anyone else think--the Cylons must be waiting for their BA?

stoner14 January 18 2005 7:56 PM EST

... 0.o *takes out his giant stamp and stamps bolfen on the forehead with it* [ADDICTED]

Max January 18 2005 8:39 PM EST

You record it?

/me smiles and walks back slowly

Bolfen January 18 2005 10:14 PM EST

Dude, the new Battlestar Galactica rocks ;) It's nothing like the original series and that's a good thing.

golgotha January 19 2005 8:02 AM EST

it is good but i noticed a few differences that i didnt like

Arorrr January 20 2005 11:37 AM EST

Bolfen, you must watched the 2nd episode. The first episode, the human race got their fleet whipped out hard! 8^)

I like battle galactica. Haven't seen the original though.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 20 2005 4:34 PM EST

Starbuck is now a woman....


I bet she's a star Buck!
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