Spell Suggestion : Circle of Protection (in General)

Mythology January 18 2005 8:12 PM EST

Not a great name, maybe like Aura of Null or something, basically works like DM but in reverse, instead of dispelling magic on their minions does it on your own, effective against EC and AMF baically, maybe add a bit of reduction to magic damage to it also to add scope. Just a thought as EOs are a little too powerful now in comparison to EDs.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 19 2005 7:58 AM EST

Or, how about a DM varient that lowers the enchantments on items?

InebriatedArsonist January 19 2005 8:08 AM EST

What is this, Magic: The Gathering?

golgotha January 19 2005 8:11 AM EST

i second that in Magic: The Gathering COP are horrible

Nightmare [NewNightmares] January 19 2005 8:26 AM EST

They're only terrible when mono-black or some sligh variant aren't being played in type 2.. the name may suck, but the idea is nifty ;)

Mythology January 19 2005 1:36 PM EST

I said "Not a great name" it was the idea really trying to focus on...
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