Wow, Your opinion? (in Off-topic)

Cranium Basher January 19 2005 1:27 AM EST

Ok, There are 6 of us waiting for a ride outside the mall, It snowed for 3 days straight, so there is snow every ware. A friend picks up a snowball, and throws it at the mall side (no windows, cars, doors, NOTHING) He is trying to get it over the roof, him and a friend throw a total of 3 snowballs each, trying to get it on the roof, 4/6 make it.

The security comes out like the Mob, 3 from the doors, 2 cars.

They are screaming "WHAT ARE YOU THROWING!?"...


The grabbed 2 of my friends, and litterally dragged them inside into the security office.

They where verbally harassed, and intimidated about THROWING SNOW!

My friends are 17, 16. (age)

They MAKE them sign a form banning them from the mall for 3 years...

Threatening if they don't sign it, they will go to juvenile for a month.


stoner14 January 19 2005 1:35 AM EST

they dont have to sign, they were doing nothing wrong and didn't injure/break anything that would get them in trouble. The mall doesn't have to get their signatures to ban them, so i dont know what's going on there. Weird stuff though, i wouldn't let them do that to me.

Biscuitback January 19 2005 1:36 AM EST

yeah i think i would have probably verbally assaulted them. among other things.

Haloki January 19 2005 1:39 AM EST

If they were coherised into signing anything without a parent/legal gaurdian present then they are not legally bond to it.
The security gaurds could wipe there butts with the document it means nothing :)

Frost January 19 2005 2:00 AM EST

yea thats true the need parent or legal guardian to be present before signing any kind of legal document of the sort oh and if i got verbally abused by security guards id laugh then be arrested about 30 mins later for REAL law enforement officers haha those fake mail guards are so SiLLy =)

dnnx January 19 2005 2:19 AM EST

i sig of person under the age of 18 is not valid, a parent or guardian must sign.
that paper is just a piece of paper with some stuff written on the signature line, in other words worthless.

too bad your friends were not physically "assaulted" so they could press charges

Night January 19 2005 3:03 AM EST

I doubt they'll really catch your friends if they go back to the mall.

Don't let it stop you from shopping there. Worst case scenario-they throw you out. Ouch, so harsh.

Since you're under 18, enjoy the fact that you can't be tried as an adult. Abuse it now while you can, because when your underage they're just shinanigans, but the moment you turn 18, it's delinquincy. Bah.

Phrip January 19 2005 3:29 AM EST

Maybe you and your friends should just realize that public places aren't your personal play ground. If you want to act like kids and throw snowballs do it at your own place. I don't blame the security guards at all. If you think you are adult enough to be left to your own then prove it. Be glad one of you goofballs didn't accidently hit someone and get slapped with assault.

Max January 19 2005 3:39 AM EST

Also, the mall is private property. They can kick out whoever they want. They don't need signatures either.

Undertow January 19 2005 5:41 AM EST

This is the way malls work:

They could just outright ban you, but you'd come back. Instead they make you sign something, which doesn't mean anything, so that if you think about going back you'll stop to think "oh man, they got that paper where I said i wouldn't! I'd get in so much trouble."

It's all smoke and mirrors and blowing hot things up your rear, that's the way they work. They just want to scare you away, so you don't come back.

Dude, you need new friends, your always getting into trouble.

[EG]The Saint January 19 2005 6:06 AM EST

Your friends could be arrested for trespassing if they return to the mall. Arrested by real police and everything. The mall is private property and your friends have been legally informed that they are no longer welcome there. That piece of paper that your friends signed was an acknowledgement that they had been so informed and, so long as it was also witnessed, is perfectly admissible as evidence in court.

Cranium Basher January 19 2005 8:02 AM EST

Yeah, I figured as much, /me is glad I was just kicked back, and not a part in it. I just think it's a little over-done...

I mean a few snowballs...honestly.

golgotha January 19 2005 8:16 AM EST

i totally agree with you

Tezmac January 19 2005 10:56 AM EST

Probably all this in front of a "No Loitering" sign too...darn security. </sarcasim>

Spectre January 19 2005 12:04 PM EST

It is the mall's property. Get over it dude. They have no need to warn you at all, granted it is a jerky thing to do, but with the amount of idiot teenagers that hang out at malls they don't give people any chances now.

The reason they showed up in a mob was you were probably scaring some old lady. If you throw snowballs anywhere, why wouldn't you throw them at her? If you don't want to get in trouble, you need to act responsibly.

AngryZac January 19 2005 12:40 PM EST

They over re-acted. That's my opinion, probably due to several reasons, but this to me is no different than how I constantly got followed around in shops as a kid. It wasn't because of what I did it was because of what they thought I was going to do.

I mean seriously here people how many of you haven't played around when bored? Throwing snowballs on the roof...a whole six of them? Give me a break, if you're trying to tell me that this is what the security should be concerned about then I'm sorry you never had a childhood. Is there anyone out there that actually believes one guard asking what their throwing (polietly...that whole show respect to get it thing) and then asking them to stop wouldn't have been enough? Yeah, if they keep throwing them, then kick them off the property...IF.

Hapster January 19 2005 1:06 PM EST

Technically they should not be allowed to return because it is private property, but the security guards threatening to send them to juvenile for a month I'm sure would more than even that out considering those guards have no legal authority.

I don't think threatening a minor would go over very well in a court.

So I say go back and have a party.

Frost January 19 2005 3:55 PM EST

what where you doing at a mall anyways? jeez dont say shopping.....i know you didn't go where looking for chicks huh
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