Tattoo/armor bug? (in General)

Kosi February 8 2005 9:16 AM EST

Hi all!

I just received my supporter item and the first thing I have to experience is that if I equip it, the robe this minion is wearing is unequipped for no reason. If I re-equip it, my tattoo is unequipped.

It's obvious that you can't wear e. g. two cuirasses, but a tattoo sits on or under the skin and does not interfere with anything you wear. FAQ doesn't say anything either.

What is wrong here?

QBJohnnywas February 8 2005 9:17 AM EST

Tattoos can't be worn at the same time as cloak/robe or body armour. =)

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] February 8 2005 9:17 AM EST

A tattoo takes the place of body armor and a cloak.

golgotha February 8 2005 9:17 AM EST

nothing its ment to be that way its a trade off

Kosi February 8 2005 9:29 AM EST

Whew, what a huge mistake I made! Thanks for clearing this up.

May I suggest to add this to the FAQ under armor? Sure I'm not the only one who mistakes a CB-tattoo being a tattoo. :-)

Out of interest: how is the incompatibility with armor and cloak explained?

MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] February 8 2005 9:37 AM EST

Well, if you have a nice big tattoo, it's not much good if it's covered up is it?

Undertow February 8 2005 9:38 AM EST

I always thought of it like this:

The person your fighting must be able to see your full body tattoo.


When you summon a familiar, he projects from the tattoo, and you don't want him getting caught in your cloak or something.

QBJohnnywas February 8 2005 9:44 AM EST

If you've ever had tattoos - especially the sort that grow afterwards (!?) you really don't want to be wearing any clothes on top of them for a while. Way too painful....

Part-time Barman February 8 2005 9:45 AM EST

Heh, I can just see the big nasty Jig monster tripping over your robe, then fighting with the folds that have wrapped around its foot (or whatever it has at the ends of its legs), or banging furiously against the inside of a shiny steel cuirass!

Kosi February 8 2005 10:22 AM EST

OK, then I'll wear my tattoo in the face. ;-)

btw, one more question: is it by purpose that you earn less money for fighting than you have to pay for healing, sometimes even outside whacky XP times?

I've noticed this several times now, and I can say it takes out all the fun if you have to pay for fighting, especially when you're too weak to forge and think in non-PG terms about store camping. The end will be a useless character that can't really fight because he's too poor to heal.

Asura February 8 2005 3:03 PM EST

Usually, you make more money in a fight than you lose by healing.

This is not the case if you lose the fight.

You have to pay a ransom to the bad guys to get your fighters carcasses off the battleground and ressurected.
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