CB2 - you like it so far? (in General)

Power February 12 2005 6:23 PM EST

Ok after cb2 was announced there were long threads full of suggestions what could be added or included in cb2. It seems not much has changed.

cb2 = cb1 + tattoos + DM

So it's more or less a database wipe.

Are you happy about it? Disappointed? Suggestions?

golgotha February 12 2005 7:19 PM EST

i agree not much is different im kinda disappointed i would have liked to see some significant changes

Grant February 12 2005 7:24 PM EST

Um, there's significant under-the-hood changes.

I mean ... And Jon got rid of the bank :)

golgotha February 12 2005 7:25 PM EST

the basic play of teh game is still pretty much the same

spydah February 12 2005 7:37 PM EST

how true.

halo 2 is way different then halo.

MOO was so much different then MOO 2.

XCom was totally different then XCom 2.

We could go on like this for quite some time of course, but I think my point is made...


MrC [DodgingTheEvilForgeFees] February 12 2005 7:55 PM EST

/me likes it.

48Zach February 12 2005 8:10 PM EST

i have to agree with MrC

NotSuitablForChildren [Yeeeaahh.................] February 12 2005 9:02 PM EST

Personally I still think that CB1 was a better game. It's only little things that I like better about CB1, like the way ranged weapons were done. However I don't play it anymore because the community has moved over to CB2 for the most part. That is, afterall, the thing that makes this game great.

golgotha February 12 2005 9:28 PM EST

dont get me wrong i like cb2 i just am disappointed that there was more done to improve the gameplay even more

AdminJonathan February 12 2005 9:59 PM EST

I have committed over 400 changes to source control since starting cb2 development.

It is true that in a lot of cases I resisted the temptation to fix that which wasn't broken. My apologies to those of you who are disappointed by this. :)

golgotha February 12 2005 10:06 PM EST

im sorry to have crittized you jonathan your game is great i love cb2 and cb1 and i will continue to play both hopefully for a long time to come

Undertow February 12 2005 11:34 PM EST

I like the tats a lot. I LOVE the ability to jump start a farm with a tat.

Power February 13 2005 10:32 AM EST

what's with Dispel Magic. I feel it makes the game very much Paper-Rock-Scissors-like, unless you really understand strategy and somehow combine DM and a spell that gets partially canceled by DM (but look around, how many people do?.

Don't get me wrong, I like it, especially since I only started cb1 (again) a few weeks before cb2 was announced, and if I quit then for other reasons. But there should be a place for open, constructive criticism.
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