Virus I Think - Help Please (in Off-topic)

{CB1}Lukeyman April 4 2005 6:55 AM EDT

While opening file: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\SE.DLL
Trojan Horse Startpage. 16.M

I get that in a message box from AVG Virus Protection every 5 mins.

Does anyone know howi can stop it?

Sacredpeanut April 4 2005 6:58 AM EDT

Hopefully that helps :)

{CB1}Lukeyman April 4 2005 2:29 PM EDT

As the great Jon would say.

Tinyurl is your friend :p

BrandonLP April 4 2005 3:31 PM EDT

Delete it. If it's in the temp folder, you probably don't need it anyhow,

AdminShade April 4 2005 3:58 PM EDT

tiny url

AdminShade April 4 2005 4:30 PM EDT

you can also try to reboot your windows system into safe mode and run the AVG virus program to delete it.

golgotha April 4 2005 5:28 PM EDT

what he says works i had it happen to me and thats what i did
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