Carping (in Off-topic)

DizzyGuy April 17 2005 1:48 AM EDT

Carping is just one of the many cb traditions. What is the earlier reference to "carping" here on cb?

Dragon Slayer April 17 2005 1:49 AM EDT

i believe it was originally a melee weapon on cb1 that had a base damage of 300 or sumthin like that. i could be wrong though...

SBW April 17 2005 1:55 AM EDT

It was a chat thing that people could do.
You could use /carp to say X carps Y.
After it became annoying with people carping each other constantly, it became a random carp every so often to people entering or exiting a room.

[FireBreathing]Chicken April 17 2005 2:04 AM EDT

lol. It all started when Saint said he felt slapping people in chat was a bit graphic.

DizzyGuy April 17 2005 2:10 AM EDT

Like how long ago was this though =P

SBW April 17 2005 2:18 AM EDT


DizzyGuy April 17 2005 2:27 AM EDT

Obviously =P a few years though, right?

Jason Bourne April 17 2005 4:06 AM EDT

it was around 2002 or 2001 i believe. someone went away for 6 months, and when they came back, jon made a special wep for him. this was way back when like, 6 people would play on a saturday morning.

slurpz April 17 2005 8:56 AM EDT

monty python :P
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