Two handed weapon question (in General)

QBJohnnywas April 19 2005 12:32 PM EDT

Is there a penalty for using a two handed weapon with a shield in CB2? If so what is it?


bartjan April 19 2005 12:34 PM EDT

Yes there is, for 2 handed weapon plus a regular shield. I believe it is 3 or 4 times the regular DX penalty, so it also depends on what shield you have.

QBJohnnywas April 19 2005 12:46 PM EDT

Ok thanks. =)

Is there a list of the weapons and armours, along with penalties like there used to be in the new players guide for CB1?

[FireBreathing]Chicken April 19 2005 1:49 PM EDT


QBJohnnywas April 19 2005 1:52 PM EDT

FirebreathingChicken, not like you to be so brief in your posting....


so where do I find it? =)

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] April 19 2005 1:54 PM EDT

Try looking around the Community links. It's pretty easy to guess which one it is...

QBJohnnywas April 19 2005 1:55 PM EDT

I don't mean the meta stats by the way...

And the link to the new players guide is a dead one...

Maelstrom April 19 2005 1:59 PM EDT

The site by [umk]Fangs is the best out there.

QBJohnnywas April 19 2005 2:06 PM EDT

Ah, that's the kind of thing I was after. Thanks!!!

Maelstrom April 19 2005 3:18 PM EDT

Thank [umk]Fangs, not me :)

Manta April 21 2005 8:27 AM EDT

If instead of a regular shield I use a mage shield (which, according to its description, has no DX malus), can I use a 2-handed weapon with no penalty?

QBJohnnywas April 21 2005 8:34 AM EDT

I've just tried it out - an exec with my mage shield - and there is no dex penalty with that particular combo.
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