tat question (in General)

golgotha April 30 2005 6:32 PM EDT

would a toa or a toe be better for my team golgotha

QBRanger April 30 2005 6:36 PM EDT

Right now I would recommend a TOJ since your quite low MPR now. The TOA and TOE are "booster" tattoos much more effective later on. And with change month coming who knows what changes will occur with a TOE or TOA.

You can change your TOJ to a TOA or TOE later if you need to, and yes, I know the penality will be more, but now I think a TOJ is the best for a low MPR team.

Undertow April 30 2005 7:51 PM EDT

I had a single tank with a ToJ, and I am really regretting changing to a ToA. Also, wait till after tomrorrow.
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