elven long sword question (in General)

golgotha May 4 2005 12:10 PM EDT

is it better or worse than an exec and about how much more is it valued than an exec

SBW May 4 2005 12:11 PM EDT

Better according to most people and at least 3-4 mil more worth?

golgotha May 4 2005 12:12 PM EDT

i have An Executioner's Sword [82x57] (+35) 3,483,134
at what point would my sword no long be a good trade for an els with no money added

LumpBot May 4 2005 12:14 PM EDT

ELS are better for 2 reasons
1) One handed, so if you have a BoM, ELS will be a better choice
2) easy to upgrade, when you try going for X100 +100, you'll need an ELS

Starseed^Lure May 5 2005 10:52 PM EDT

Though I'd advise against ever doing this you'd probably have to upgrade you exec to the range of 8 mil net worth to have market value as a base ELS. O_o

If you've got your eye on one I'd advise getting ready for a long haul of saving and or forging, or kick in some USD.

golgotha May 8 2005 7:37 PM EDT

thank you
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