HoE, HoD, CoBF (in General)

deifeln May 11 2005 11:21 AM EDT

Must we use the 'o' in the above abreviations? How many 'HoE' jokes will we endure?

/me suggests the following


Arorrr May 11 2005 11:37 AM EDT

and I thought you are selling a HoE! Shame shame on you to trick me to click on your topic.


golgotha May 11 2005 11:38 AM EDT

i agree

DizzyGuy May 11 2005 12:13 PM EDT

I like the o better.... and for the rest of you.... notice this is under general =P

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 11 2005 12:29 PM EDT

I thought CBF was the official abbreviation?

Now, the spellchecker doesn't like plurals of abbreviations however.

DizzyGuy May 11 2005 1:44 PM EDT

Well.. CBF might be the <i>official</i> abbreviation... but CoBF is more used... It's like how the <i>official</i> abbreviation for a ToJ is TKJ... but almost everyone refers to it as a ToJ

CBMan11 May 11 2005 3:24 PM EDT

i understand HoE and maybe CoBF being changed, but whats wrong with HoD?

LumpBot May 11 2005 3:45 PM EDT

I think people put the "o" in because without it you'd have words without vowels. Most catch acronyms sounds like a real word Ex. "SCUBA, DARE, and KISS".
So in short, the English language is used to this concept of pronounceable acronym.

Chargerz-Back May 11 2005 3:52 PM EDT

Must use O!!!
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