Axbow confusion (in General)

[FireBreathing]Chicken May 18 2005 12:37 AM EDT

This was against the character 'Lovemia'.

After shooting Rodalt's Jig, my minion started shooting at Chupirgun,
a 20 dex minion. I don't understand this because the axbow is
supposed to attack the minion with the highest dexterity, and I
sincerely doubt that the axbow took down the ToJ's dexterity down
to under 20 with a single shot. Even then, the axbow would be
firing out of order, since Chupirgun is 'Lovemia's second in line

Heres the play by play:
TheOneAndOnly shot Rodalt's familiar [15790]
Rodalt's familiar looks clumsier!
Rodalt's familiar's Guardian Angel smote TheOneAndOnly (8686)
TheOneAndOnly shot Rodalt's familiar [13418]
Rodalt's familiar's Guardian Angel smote TheOneAndOnly (7842)

TheOneAndOnly shot Chupirgun [15017]
Chupirgun's Guardian Angel smote TheOneAndOnly (8596)
TheOneAndOnly skewered Chupirgun [17957]
Chupirgun's Guardian Angel smote TheOneAndOnly (6952)
TheOneAndOnly struck deep into Chupirgun [16120]
Rodalt takes damage from his own Magic missile (4537)!
Rodalt's Magic missile hit A Nearby Bush [12228]

Lumpy Koala May 18 2005 3:24 AM EDT

LOL more like a loose cannon :) But personally I would like to hurt a mage more than a lowly TOJ :P
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