Question for California Drivers (in Off-topic)

[FireBreathing]Chicken May 26 2005 5:18 PM EDT

Ok. I have an ID card, and a drivers lisence. I never noticed until now, but the two have some subtely different information. The zip code value on my driver's lisence is 2 off when compared with my ID, half of my sigature looks rather awkward, and in one of my pictures, I have a lazy eye. Other than that, everything is exactly the same. What really freaks me out is the picture. The very blades of hair on my head are in the same order, everything but the placement of my iris.

Supposedly, you should only have a single file for the California DMV. I submitted a single application, and I remember only a single flash from the camera. How can there be two slightly different pictures on two different cards.

[FireBreathing]Chicken May 26 2005 5:19 PM EDT

Just for the record, its license, not lisence.

Max May 26 2005 5:22 PM EDT

1. Printing photos will result in blurs etc.
2. Maybe your zip code changed
3. Maybe you aren't Chicken...what have you done with him?
4. The process of creating the cards may differ between when you got your ID and when you got your license.
5. You take a new picture when you get your CDL for the first time. It's mandatory unless you are renewing. (At least it was for me)

[FireBreathing]Chicken May 26 2005 5:30 PM EDT

1. Printing photos will result in blurs etc.
2. Maybe your zip code changed
3. Maybe you aren't Chicken...what have you done with him?
4. The process of creating the cards may differ between when you got your ID and when you got your license.
5. You take a new picture when you get your CDL for the first time. It's mandatory unless you are renewing. (At least it was for me)

Number 1 is possible, but unlikely. It doesn't look blury at all.
Can't be number 2 because my zip code has been the same forever. It has never changed since I was born.
Can't be numbers 4 or 5 because I got my ID when I *earned my driving permit. Since then, I've never submitted anything else too the DMV. When I got my driver's license, I just went up to them, gave them the stack of papers they gave me 6 months earlier, and took the test.

[FireBreathing]Chicken May 26 2005 5:31 PM EDT

oops, I didn't mean to re-post what you posted. I just copy and pasted above so I could make sure I responded to each of them. Your help is appreciated.

AdminJonathan May 26 2005 5:36 PM EDT

Your tax dollars at work.

I swear my daughter's social security card looks like the number was put on with a _typewriter._

Max May 26 2005 5:38 PM EDT

You clearly ignored number 3! Cold case is solved!

AdminG Beee May 26 2005 5:38 PM EDT

Moved to off-topic :p

Tim May 26 2005 6:48 PM EDT

don't you mean number 3?

[-war-] May 27 2005 5:30 PM EDT

All I can say is I use the picture on my ID and have the license behind it. I messed up my picture on the license and they let me redo it again, then they were supposed to get rid of the bad picture and keep the good one, I was wrong.... the delete button can undelete too.
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