Dragon-Boating (in Off-topic)

[FireBreathing]Chicken July 11 2005 2:40 AM EDT

He he, check it out!! http://www.insidebayarea.com/argus/localnews/ci_2850304/ci_2850304

Supposedly, I'm in the bottom picture, on the right side of the bottom boat, and I should be the third to last group of pixels from the back of the boat... Gotta love the engine room. ;)

Don't know why I made this post, but 'tis an awesome water-sport, and you guys should try it out :D Very, VERY, intense. For about a minute, you have 20 people per boat dumping EVERYTHING they got. These things accelerate up to 10ish meters/s in like.. 3.5 seconds. As for max speeds, my team can hit 13.3 meters/s with the wind on our side. :) By the ways, 13.3 m/s is nearly 30 miles per hour, which is pretty damn fast.

Hawaiian outrigger is also fun, but its slower/less exciting/ less competetive than dragon-boatin.

If you join, eventually, you'll be like me and have a huge right bicep, a huge left tricep, and a big bulge on your lower left back. That is if you paddle right side. :) For some reason, the ladies seem to find that attractive/funny.
And.. you'll also get a nice summer tan, and get really in shape. :] So join!

QBJohnnywas July 11 2005 2:54 AM EDT

I dragonboated for a while. My team was full of people who couldn't keep time which didn't help us. But that moment when the front of the boat lifts out of the water as you accelerate was something you have to experience...
I use to be left side on the boat which meant when I got out of the boat my entire right side was soaked because I was always partnered up with somebody who hit the water rather than cut it.....

[FireBreathing]Chicken July 11 2005 3:05 AM EDT

Yeah, well, it IS a water-sport, so you'll probably get wet. I practice at BIAC which is a salt-water bay with wind and waves, so I'm pretty used to getting wet. By the ways, this should probably go in off-topic. I'm still used to putting all the miscellaneous stuff in general. :/

QBJohnnywas July 11 2005 3:09 AM EDT

Lol. Yeah if you don't like water stay away from dragon boating!

But I would recommend it to anybody - it's a definite rush!
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