Axbow/Exbow (in General)

[FireBreathing]Chicken July 20 2005 10:01 AM EDT

Drains DX: Drains 1% DX per x4 (i.e. A [4x40] Assassin's Crossbow drains 10% DX per damage dealing hit.)
Drains ST: Drains 1% ST per x4 (i.e. A [4x40] Enforcer's Crossbow drains 10% ST per damage dealing hit.)

So, the amount of stats drained is solely dependant on the number of x enchantments?
Would it be worthwhile to equip our enchanters/CoC/decay mages with x32 +100 exbows? Unless the target has extremely crazy armor, 20 strength with an x32 will still do about.. 1k damage?

Maelstrom July 20 2005 10:10 AM EDT

I've been experimenting with that idea. I'm using An Enforcer's Crossbow [4x28] (+31) on my enchanter. He's only able to hit a few of the characters on my favorites list (probably mages with no dex), and only on some of the hits does ST get drained. I usually do less than 100 damage per hit, and the bit of ST drain doesn't seem to make any difference.

QBRanger July 20 2005 10:14 AM EDT

The Wiki is off a bit, In the last change month Jon changed the axbow and enbow to be more effective. Check the change logs.

QBRanger July 20 2005 10:16 AM EDT

Per the May 16th post by Jon in the Change Log:

"Increased drain by axbow/exbow; also added a non-percentage factor to make them more useful at low levels."

Quark July 20 2005 12:26 PM EDT

And the +100 is very pricey to boot.

[FireBreathing]Chicken July 21 2005 9:37 AM EDT

yeah. +100 is quite expensive indeed.
As for the somewhat new change, I have a feeling its both linear and percentage wise dex/str decrease maybe a linear minimum drain with a percentage maximum drain. So the concept still lives. ;)

So.. if you are willing to shell out enough (haha), you can reduce the stats of the opponent through this method. :)
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