what is the bonus for naming a RoE? (in General)

WeaponX July 28 2005 4:51 PM EDT

i would appreciate it if Jon could answer this or someone who knows for sure. thank you

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 28 2005 4:55 PM EDT

one might wonder if it does a thing at all, considering all it ever did was up damage and AC (what does naming a ToJ for that matter do? up damage and end? ToA?)

[FireBreathing]Chicken July 28 2005 4:58 PM EDT

naming a normal tattoo makes it gain exp 3% faster I believe

mchaos July 28 2005 4:59 PM EDT

If I remember correctly there was a thread about this with another item and Jonathan said the way to think about the naming bonus was as an invisible 1.04 multiplier. So presumably for the RoE instead of getting N xp extra xp, a named RoE gives you 1.04N extra xp.

For a ToA or ToJ, instead of behaving like an N level tattoo, it exactly like an 1.04N level tattoo.

Synco July 28 2005 5:02 PM EDT

Naming tattoos results in a 4% increase of their "experience," which approximates reasonably well as a 4% increase in level.

It would give you 1.04 * the RoE exp boost.

mchaos July 28 2005 5:04 PM EDT

/removes foot from mouth

Sorry just re-read the Naming description and it states that naming a tattoo gives it 4% more experience, which is similar to 4% higher level, so while I still think that a named RoE grants 4% more XP than an unnamed one, I'm far less certain.

[T]Vestax July 28 2005 6:06 PM EDT

My understanding is that the name takes what ever level the tattoo is and makes it's effective level 4% higher. This means that when the name expires it will be no higher then what it was had you not named the tattoo. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that naming the RoE would in fact grant you any experience bonus by default.

AdminJonathan July 29 2005 12:53 AM EDT

yes, it will give a 4% xp bonus

WeaponX July 29 2005 9:14 AM EDT

thanks jon for the clarification.
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