Something I have always wondered about BA (in General)

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 13 2006 10:57 PM EDT

How come when I take a break from CB, say an hour, I log in with amounts of BA that don't add up to the refresh rate? For example, I get 10 per refresh right now, and 5 refreshes later I logged in with 51 BA. This kind of thing always happens...why is that?

Call me curious I guess :D

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] October 13 2006 11:00 PM EDT

FAQ #6

Q: Is it possible to get less BA than I normally would at refresh time?

A: Yes; when your BA is (re)loaded for various reasons you will get BA proportional to the amount of time passed; it is possible to get fractional amounts of the normal refresh rate this way.

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 13 2006 11:02 PM EDT

never noticed that before...thanks for the quick reply :)

Flamey October 13 2006 11:02 PM EDT

he got one extra though :P not less

AdminJonathan October 13 2006 11:05 PM EDT

N * 10 + 1 is the same as (N + 1) * 10 - 9

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 13 2006 11:05 PM EDT

technically I could have gotten 9 less :D

[FireBreathing]Chicken October 13 2006 11:15 PM EDT

i like horseguy's explanation more :p
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