The_Hatchetman and FBC deal (in Public Record)

[FireBreathing]Chicken November 29 2006 5:14 AM EST

paying 1.5M for the VB please confirm

Payment plans 3rd day: 0%
interest added 5th day: 0%
interest added 7th day: 1%
interest added 10th day: 1%
interest added 14th day: 3%
interest added 17th day: 6%
interest added 21th day: 10%
interest added 24th day: 12%
interest added 27th day: 15%
interest added 30th day: accused of scamming
Basically, I would pay at least the majority of you're bid back before the second week (first week free). If you dont, you start getting more and more ridiculous interest rates.
Details: I will only accept pps from players with 'satisfactory credit' or better. Time officially starts when item is sent. Interest is compounding meaning if you owe $1,000,000, and you paid back $700,000 within the first week, you get 0.01*($300,000)= $3,000 added on to your total. If you're silly and dont pay anything until after the 10th day, you get 0.01*($303,000) %$3,030 added to your total, and so on and so forth.

TheHatchetman November 29 2006 5:15 AM EST

yeppers. *clears throat* I mean: Yes, I accept this agreement.
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