Attention New Players (in Contests)

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] January 14 2008 7:07 PM EST

The New to CB Contest

Enjoying CB so far? If your account is under 2 months old then this contest is for you. Send me a CM to sign up, and I will post what I want you NUBs to do, that way it is fair for everyone.

What is in it for you? Why, a chance to win a rare weapon. The prize up for grabs is:
A Vorpal Blade [63x80] (+20)

There are no entry fees, and no limit to the amount of people that can enter. Entries are open 48 hours from the time of this post, so don't be shy :)

Good luck everyone :)

ActionAction January 14 2008 9:52 PM EST

Oh, darn, if you posted this like two weeks earlier ;x.

Snow Doctor January 14 2008 11:08 PM EST

oooh call on me

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] January 14 2008 11:21 PM EST

People Who Have Entered

Little Anthony
Marky G
Snow Doctor

Keep em coming!

GummyBear January 15 2008 9:45 AM EST

Count me in mate

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] January 16 2008 12:30 PM EST

People Who Have Entered

Little Anthony
Marky G
Snow Doctor
Gummy Bear

Tonight around 7 pm server time I will be posting the task to win the contest, so check back in this thread around then.

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] January 16 2008 9:07 PM EST

ack sorry guys something work related came up, so this will be postponed until tomorrow

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] January 17 2008 12:08 PM EST

OK Ladies and Gentlemen, heres what I would like you to do. This contest is going to work on a point system, with the person getting the most points being the winner.


Obtain one Robe [2] +2
Obtain a bundle of Exshots
Find the name of the item with these stats: [73x750] (+45) worth $7,983,464
Find the number of Battles fought in Tournament 4
A certain item with the stats [0] +11 sold for $2,500,000 on Nov 14 2007, which item was it?


Sned the items over when you get them, but don't CM the answers right away. There is a certain time I have picked tomorrow, and the closer you send a CM to that time, the more bonus points you will get.

Happy Hunting :)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 17 2008 1:55 PM EST

Lucky NUBs. Horseguy is too nice. ;)

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] January 19 2008 11:38 AM EST

After tallying up all of the points, I am pleased to announce that Victus is the winner! Congratulations! A close second was Snow Doctor.

Thanks for playing everyone. Here are the solutions for those that were wondering. These will all be useful CB skills to practice, or at least I thought they were :)

- 1 and 2 were just to get xfers down pat, easy enough
- In order to find the name of the item with those stats you could have gone to the community page and looked up named items that way, or gone to the blacksmith and click reforge an item with a name of power to get to the same link. The hint is that 73 is the base damage for a BoTH.
- Finding the battles for tournament 4 is located under the tournaments section in community.
- For the last one (worth the most points) you had to search expired auctions. There are only a few items with a base of 0, so if you looked up those items you would have found it without much trouble.

I hope everyone had fun playing :)

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] January 19 2008 11:41 AM EST

horseguy001 (Classic Gaming) Victis (Arbiter) A Vorpal Blade ($992426) -- Winner! 11:39 AM EST

horseguy001 (Classic Gaming) Snow Doctor (HighLonesome) $250000 -- close 2nd :) 11:41 AM EST

Congrats again to 1 and 2, and thanks to everyone else for signing up :)

Esoteric January 19 2008 12:42 PM EST

Sorry I couldn't participate. I was too busy.

Snow Doctor January 20 2008 11:28 AM EST

awesome thanks alot. i was wondering about that tournament thing. glad to know.
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