A Modest Proposal (clan wall) (in General)

Demigod May 21 2010 3:53 PM EDT

Is there any chance we can increase the size of the clan wall's posting box? That thing is tiny, and it makes writing paragraphs annoying.


Also, eat babies.

Demigod May 21 2010 3:55 PM EDT

I was too lazy to add a width limit to the image.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] May 21 2010 4:20 PM EDT

And to delete posts without the need to be admin, lol..

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] May 21 2010 4:28 PM EDT

And the 'Add a Comment' and 'Home' at the top of the wall.

Lochnivar May 21 2010 4:45 PM EDT

And the 'Add a Comment' and 'Home' at the top of the wall.

I recall NS saying that moving the 'Add a Comment' button was for all practical purposes unmovable...

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] May 21 2010 5:23 PM EDT

Get Chrome, you can resize it.

Flamey May 21 2010 5:51 PM EDT

Get a firefox extension.. can resize it. Write in notepad + copy/paste. But simply it's built into chrome.

Demigod May 21 2010 7:12 PM EDT

I refuse to type and copy/paste every clan post...

But this might be the reason I install Chrome on my main PC.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] May 21 2010 7:17 PM EDT

I liked the book better....

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 21 2010 8:23 PM EDT

width="100%" isn't that hard

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 21 2010 9:52 PM EDT

I recall NS saying that moving the 'Add a Comment' button was for all practical purposes unmovable...

i had not heard that, if it is true it makes me very sad! ; (
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