Public Record Forum

This forum is for confirmation of (or status updates for) deals that have already been made. Primarily this is for deals made in chat or FS/WTB, since if you have arranged a deal in Services you might as well confirm it there instead of making a new thread here.

Posts requiring an admin's attention (potential abusers, etc.) are also on-topic here; as are posts along the lines of "I'm leaving for a week." (Or, "for good.")

Again: This forum is not for people looking for deals. Those posts go in Services or FS/WTB. This is enforced by fining violators; it makes life easier for everyone when they know which forum to read for which kinds of post.

Regarding "private deals" confirmed here and elsewhere in the forum system:

If 2 people enter into a deal, and it is posted here, and one person backs out, or scams the other person, here is what will happen:

If person A scams person B, we will reset A. We do not want to encourage scamming. BUT, it is your responsibility to make sure the person you are dealing with is trustworthy. We also do not want to encourage the thinking of, "so what if this guy offering me a cornuthaum for $100k is scamming me, all I have to is whine to the admins to get my money back." So no, we're not in the property recovery business. Same goes for loan installment payments. In other words: if you want truly scamproof trading, your only option is the auction system.

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